Tag Archives: bernice hibbert

Where did that come from? Chester Dupree and the unfinished Shed

Hi tappers,

It is with my greatest of apologies for not posting over the weekend and the early week, things have been hectic for me. I’m back though, for a brand new post on a brand new character.

So Chester Dupree, EA were telling the truth when they said that Cehster had not appeared in the show before, but, as the Wookie from TSTO Addicts pointed out last week, he has been mentioned.

In “Gone Abie Gone” (S25:E4), Homer is at a sign and, well, here is the dialogue straight from the wookie to explain it better:

Homer: “Pushy sign.  Don’t tell me what to try.”

Marge appears in thought bubble: “Homer.  Dr. Hibbert told you to eat healthier.”

Homer: “I don’t recall that.”

Marge: “Well I do.”

Dr. Hibbert appears in a thought bubble from Marge: “Eat healthier.”

Bernice Hibbert appears in thought bubble from Dr. Hibbert: “You too, Julius.  I heard you were at Loretta’s Diner on Catfish Friday.”

Julius: “How do you know that?  You got your brother following me?”

Bernice: “Chester needs a job.”

Julius: “I paid him to build a shed.  Where is my shed Bernice?”

Homer plugs Marge’s ears and says quietly to the drive-thru so as not to interrupt the marital argument: “One onion rings please.”

So that strongly suggests that Chester is made after this Chester. Along with Wookie, I do agree that the developers of the game wanted to bring Bernice into it, and chose to bring Chester with her, to add more content to the level.

So thats all on Chester, I’ll be back soon to give the lowdown on his tasks, as well as those from Bernice.

Keep Tapping,


Get the lowdown: Level 41 is here!!!!!

Hey tappers!

Just weeks after level 40 we have recieved another level update! Level 41 brings Bernice Hibbert and Dr Hibberts brother. Decorations include the Duff Party Liner, Unfinished shed and Bloodmobile and the building is the Vulgari Jewellery Store. It’s not a bad update, for including a never before seen character, and one on the top of most peoples lists, but who knows what else is to come? I’m unable to get any pictures at this time, but there will be some in upcoming posts about the update. Any questions, then comment below!

Keep Tapping!
